Shoot for Dileep's upcoming film with director Ratheesh Reghunandan of Udal fame got wrapped up on Thursday. Tentatively titled D 148, the film is produced by Super Good Films and Iffaar Media. Pranitha Subhash, who predominantly appears in Kannada, Telugu, and Tamil films, is making her Malayalam debut with this film. Neeta Pillai is the other female lead.
Sudev Nair, Malaviak Menon, Manoj K Jayan, Ajmal Ameer, Shine Tom Chacko, Siddique, John Vijay, Sampath, Kottayam Ramesh, and Major Ravi are the others in the cast. Manoj Pillai is the cinematographer, and Willaim Francis is the composer for this film, which is reportedly set in different timelines.
Dileep, last seen in Voice of Sathyanathan, also has Arun Gopy's Bandra and an untitled film with actor-turned-filmmaker Vineeth Kumar coming up.