The long-awaited Amminipilla Vettu Case adaptation, titled Oru Thekkan Thallu Case, has started rolling. The Rajesh Pinnadan-scripted film (based on GR Indugopan's source material) has Biju Menon, Roshan Mathew, Nimisha Sajayan, and Padmapriya essaying the principal leads.
Debutant Sreejith N, of leading poster design firm Oldmonks, directs the film which is produced by Mukesh R Mehta and CV Sarathi of E4 Entertainment.
Madhu Neelakantan is on board as the director of photography and Justin Varghese as the music composer. Dileepnath is the art director.
Notably, director Sreejith is one of the co-writers of Prithviraj's second directorial feature Bro Daddy, starring Mohanlal, Meena, Prithviraj, Kalyani Priyadarshan, and Soubin Shahir.