Karataka Damanaka brings together the dynamic duo of Century Star Shivrajkumar and Prabhudheva for the first time. Directed by Yogaraj Bhat and made under the production of Rockline Venkatesh banner the film that has piqued curiosity with its intriguing title, has now got its first look poster.
Drawing inspiration from the central characters of the Panchatantra, Karataka and Damanaka, the film is billed as an action-packed entertainer.
“Once upon a time, two cunning foxes named Karataka and Damanaka wreaked havoc upon the forest and the entire country. Today, these crafty foxes have taken on human form. The warning accompanying the poster has only served to heighten the audience’s intrigue,” shared Director Yogaraj Bhat, shedding light on the film’s concept and providing insights into its title.
Extensive filming has already taken place in various locations, including the outskirts of Bangalore, Kolar, Gauribidanur, and North Karnataka.
Currently, in the final phase of shooting, the film features Rockline Venkatesh in the role of a police officer, alongside Priya Anand and Nishvika Naidu as the female leads.
The film has music by V Harikrishna and cinematography by Santhosh Rai Pataje.