It has been seven years since Pranitha Subhash worked in a Kannada film. Her last appearance was in Shivarajkumar’s Mass Leader in 2017, but for the multilingual actor, the absence was never felt — for Bengaluru is her home, and her roots are here, she says. Now, she is all set to make her return to the industry with director Vikas Pampapathi’s upcoming film Ramana Avatara.
Pranitha started her career in the Kannada industry with commercial roles, but she has noticed a significant shift. “When I signed on for Ramana Avatara, I sensed a change in the way directors approach content,” she says. “Initially, my plate was filled with commercials, which I enjoyed. But over the years, I’ve seen a rise in concept-driven films, both in Kannada and Malayalam, and I’ve grown to love them. Ramana Avatara brings this freshness. It’s subtle, easy-breezy— not larger-than-life. With the rise of OTT platforms, there’s a variety of content to explore, making this genre a welcome change.”
Despite its mythological roots, Pranitha sees Ramana Avatara as a modern-day adaptation of the Ramayana, a story with universal appeal. “It’s relevant,” she nods, “a new-age twist on a timeless tale. When you watch it, you’ll sense the essence of the Ramayana, but with a fresh screenplay.”
Currently, Pranitha’s focus is on family, though she hasn’t ruled out future projects. “I haven’t committed to anything yet,” she admits. “Balancing work with family is a priority. I took on a cop role in a Malayalam film, Thankamani, which got released recently. But I am focussing on raising my kid, so carving out 60 days for filming is a challenge right now. So, for the moment, I’m taking it easy, trying to find the right balance. I recently judged a dance reality show, exploring different avenues. But it is refreshing to see stereotypes being challenged in the industry. Even leading actors like Alia Bhatt are embracing motherhood, yet they continue to portray strong characters and lead films, and that’s inspiring,” she says, signing off.