Sukrutha Wagle, who had stepped away from the film industry to pursue a career in law, is making an unexpected return to acting. The film Kapati, produced by Dayal Padmanabhan and helmed by the director duo Ravi Kiran and Chethan SP, has reignited her passion for cinema. With the teaser released recently, Kapati is set to hit theatres on August 23.
In an interview with CE, Sukrutha shared her thoughts on her comeback. She said, “I had originally left the film industry in 2019 to focus on law, a decision influenced by my parents, who thought I had already invested enough time in acting. While studying, I took a key role in Martin, but Kapati truly drew me back to the silver screen.” Talking about the film, she said, “The concept of Kapati was unique. It’s a female-centric script, and they needed someone who could bring it to life, and they found me suitable for the role.”
Sukurta praised the dedication of the Kapati team. “The directors showed me glimpses of their previous work, and their dedication was evident,” she shared. “Despite their IT backgrounds, they took leaves from work to complete this project. They had a clear vision and never compromised on quality. With someone like Dayal Padmanabhan as producer, I felt compelled.”
Sukrutha is also thrilled about her role in Sudeep’s Max. “It seems the silver screen wasn’t ready to let me go and, as a result, this year, I have three releases: Kapati, Max, and Martin,” she said with enthusiasm. Kapati is a thriller that delves into the shadowy realm of the dark web, exploring the fine line between the real world and the virtual one. “The dark web is a broad and complex topic, not easily captured in just a film or series. Kapati takes a unique angle, focusing on online fraud, OTP scams, and dark web hackers. I found it very fresh and interesting,” Sukrutha said. “While Bollywood has explored the dark web in series, there hasn’t been a film on this topic. That made me eager to be part of Kapati, especially since it’s something new for Kannada audiences.”
Sukrutha also credited her sister for encouraging her to take on this project. “When the directors pitched the idea, I could see their clear vision and how well they planned about how to executive it,” she noted.
As the makers gear up for the film’s release with teasers, trailers, and songs, Sukrutha is excited about her return to the industry. “I’m starting from scratch and carefully choosing my roles. I’m looking forward to connecting with the audience again.”