The release date of Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat (Eternally Confused and Eager for Love) starter, a thriller titled CTRL, was unveiled on Monday. The film, directed by Vikramaditya Motwane, is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on October 4.
An announcement video of the film was also released which shows a slew of pictures of Ananya. “You think you are in control of your life, joy, happiness?” reads the text in the video. As pictures of Ananya crumble in pixels, the text reads, “Think again.”
As per the press release shared by the makers, “CTRL stars Ananya Panday as Nella Awasthi and Vihaan Samat as Joe Mascarenhas, a romantic couple who create content together and are loved by their Internet audience. But what happens when they break up? In a world where data is power, how much sharing is too much? How much of your life are you willing to share, and do you slowly lose control in the process?”
Thrilled to be collaborating with Vikramaditya Motwane and producer Nikhil Dwivedi for this film, Ananya shares, “CTRL is engaging, impactful and definitely makes you wonder if you are truly in control of your life. I truly believe that this film is for everyone, given the exponential advancement in tech and our rising dependency on it.”
Vikramaditya Motwane adds, “With the amount of time we spend on our devices, screen time is now redefined as screen life. The question is, are we actually in control of all the digital extensions of our life, or are we being controlled?”