The trailer of Manoj Bajpayee’s Silence 2: The Night Owl Bar Shootout was released by the makers on Tuesday. It is a sequel to the 2021 film Silence: Can You Hear It, and Manoj will reprise the role of ACP Avinash Verma. Directed by Aban Bharucha Deohans, the film also stars Prachi Desai, Sahil Vaid, Vaqar Shaikh and Parul Gulati in pivotal roles.
The trailer begins with a voiceover of Manoj saying a couplet. Then a murder takes place and the case goes over to his Special Crime Unit for investigation. More bodies are found and the killer looms at large and the trailer shows some action sequences in the middle of the investigation. Prachi plays inspector Sanjana Bhatia while Vaqar is inspector Raj Gupta.
Silence 2 is produced by Zee Studios and Candid Creations and will be released on ZEE5 on April 16.