Actress Nimrat Kaur, who is known for her work in The Lunchbox, Dasvi and Airlift, has been added to the cast of Section 84 which stars Amitabh Bachchan in the lead. The film earlier added Diana Penty and Abhishek Banerjee to its ensemble cast.
The film is a courtroom drama thriller, and will be directed by Ribhu Dasgupta of The Girl on the Train and Te3n fame. Ribhu has also written the film.
Talking about the film, Nimrat said: "Embarking on one of the most challenging creative adventures of my life with the unsurpassable privilege of being immortalised on screen with Mr Amitabh Bachchan. So grateful to Ribhu Dasgupta for this incredible and riveting opportunity." The film is being bankrolled by Reliance Entertainment and Film Hangar in association with Jio Studios.