Yentamma, a celebration song from Salman Khan's upcoming film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan was unveiled by the makers of the film on Tuesday. The song is the second in the album with Telugu lyrics, the first one being the Bathukamma song from the film.
Yentamma is sung by Vishal Dadlani and Payal Dev, with lyrics by Shabbir Ahmed, Raftaar and Aditya Dev. It features the main and supporting cast of the film, clad in traditional attire, dancing to the song with Telugu lyrics and South Indian beats. Much like Chennai Express (2012), this song also features lyrics on the lungi. It may be noted that the men in the videos are wearing Panchakattu/Veshtis while dancing to lyrics mentioning the word 'lungi' prominently. Ram Charan makes a special appearance in the video, dancing alongside Salman Khan, Pooja Hegde and Venkatesh Daggubati.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is directed by Farhad Samji and produced by Salma Khan. The film will have an Eid release on April 21.