Amy Tara has joined the cast of American mystery thriller film, Dream, in a lead role. The film, written and directed by Ben Pauling, is about a group of friends in a blue-collar town, fueled by a shared suspicion, who embark on a mission to expose what they fear is a local human trafficking operation.
Sam Pauling is the co-director of Dream which is financed through ArchAge Pictures. Jon Pauling, Micheal Flaherty, Brian Rogers, and Samuel Rodriguez are the executive producers.
Ben Pauling also stars in the film along with Steven Cox, Christopher Ammanuel, and Cameron Hanes.
Meanwhile, Tara, last seen in the stage play Indigo Giant, has Assassin's Guild, the action fantasy film helmed by Stuart Brennan, coming up. She is set to feature alongside Ryan Gage and David Hayman in the feature.