We had previously reported about the teaser launch of Sasivadane, a romantic drama that stars Rakshit Atluri and Komalee Prasad in the lead roles. The makers of the film have announced on Wednesday that their film is scheduled to hit theatres on April 5. While Rakshit Atluri, who shot to fame with his work in Palasa 1978 (2020), was last seen in Narkasura. Komalee Prasad, meanwhile, appeared in HIT : The Second Case (2022) in a supporting role.
Set in the picturesque, rustic locales of Konaseema in Andhra Pradesh, Sasivadane is a love story with elements of drama and tragedy. The film is written and directed by Sai Mohan Ubbana.
Sasivadane also stars Rangasthalam Mahesh, Sriman, Jabardasth Bobby, Praveen Yandamuri and Deepak Prince in pivotal roles. The film is produced by Ahiteja Bellamkonda and Abhilash Reddy Godala under the banners AG Film Company and SVS Studios, while it is presented by Gauri Naidu. While Saravana Vasudevan has composed the film's music, Anudeep Dev has been credited as the composer of the background score. Shrie SaiKumaar Daara is the cinematographer of the film, with editing provided by Garry BH.