Aishwarya Rajesh, who was recently seen in the Nelson Venkatesan directorial, Farhana, is currently doing the round of promotions for the film. In a recent media interaction with the Telugu film media, the actor was asked about her interest in doing Telugu films. Aishwarya, who was part of films like World Famous Lover and Tuck Jagadish, said, "I like the Telugu industry and there are also offers from here. But I want to do a good Telugu film, which will make my parents proud because of my roots. Unfortunately, World Famous Lover opposite Vijay Deverakonda didn’t work out as expected.”
When asked about a recent role that she believes fits her best, Aishwarya said, “I would have liked to play a character like Srivalli in Pushpa or that of Keerthy's in Dasara. Of course, Rashmika did a great job and I think such roles would suit me.” The actor also added that she would love to act in Telugu films if the roles that come her way are ideal for her career.
Farhana, which was released on May 12, is receiving a positive response at the theaters. The film, which also stars Selvaraghavan, Jithan Ramesh, and Anumol, has music by Justin Prabhakaran.