Actor-director Gautham Menon, who directed many blockbusters like Gharshana, Surya S/O Krishnan and Ye Maaya Chesave in Telugu, will play the antagonist in actor Sundeep Kishan's upcoming pan-Indian film, Michael. A poster revealing Gautham's bloodied hands with handcuffs was released by the makers on Monday.
Interestingly, Gautham Menon appeared in a cameo in Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi (2018) and this would be his first film in a full-length role. While other details pertaining to his role are closely guarded by the makers, we hear that it's going to be fierce and unique.
Directed by Ranjit Jeyakodi, Michael also features Vijay Sethupathi in a special role. Touted to be an intense action entertainer with a lot of emotions, the film is bankrolled by Sree Venkateswara Cinemas in association with Karan C Productions. The female lead and other cast and crew of the film are yet to be finalised.