On superstar Rajinikanth's birthday, the makers of Jailer have released a glimpse of sorts, which is more like a character introduction teaser. Rajinikanth plays a character named Muthuvel Pandian, and the short video has some stylish silhouette shots of him. Towards the end, he is seen taking a machete out before facing the camera and sporting his trademark smile.
Apart from Rajinikanth's irresistible screen presence, the other two remarkable aspects of the teaser are Vijay Kartik Kanan's striking cinematography and Anirudh Ravichander's uber-cool background score.
Jailer, written and directed by Nelson, is billed as an action-heavy entertainer. Rajinikanth reportedly plays a jailer's character in the film. Kannada superstar Shivarajkumar is essaying a cameo role, while the supporting cast also includes Vasanth Ravi, Yogi Babu, Ramya Krishnan and Vinayakan.
Sun Pictures is backing the film, shoot for which is still under progress.