Rajinikanth has completed dubbing for the upcoming Tamil film Lal Salaam, the makers of the film announced on social media on Sunday. The film is directed by the actor’s daughter and filmmaker Aishwarya Rajinikanth, with Rajinikanth playing a cameo.
The upcoming film is billed to be a sports drama based on cricket, with actors Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth in the lead roles. Lal Salaam is backed by Lyca Productions.
Besides Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth, the film will also feature a cameo appearance by Rajinikanth, who will play the role of Moideen Bhai. Lal Salaam is backed by Lyca Productions and has music composed by AR Rahman, marking his first-ever collaboration with Aishwarya. The film is set to be a sports-based drama with political relevance.
With cinematography by Vishnu Rangasamy and editing by Pravin Baaskar, the film is currently scheduled to release by the end of this year.