On Sunday, actor Abhirami, known for her role in the Kamal Haasan starrer Virumaandi, took to Instagram to announce that her husband Rahul and she have adopted a girl child. She further revealed that they have named their daughter Kalki.
On Instagram she wrote, "Dear Friends, Rahul and I are thrilled to announce, that we are now parents to a baby girl, Kalki! We adopted our daughter last year and it has been life-changing in every way. Today I am blessed to celebrate Mother's Day as a new mother myself! My Family and I request your blessings as we play our newest role." She also shared a few photos of her daughter.
Abhirami, who was last seen in the Zee 5 original series Oru Kodai Murder Mystery, currently has Tamil films Are You Okay Baby, and Baba Black Sheep, and Malayalam film Garudan in her pipeline.