The makers of Rajinikanth's Jailer released the audio jukebox on Friday. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, the film has music by Anirudh Ravichander. The jukebox consists of 8 tracks -- Kaavaalaa, Jailer theme, Rathamaarey, Muthuvel Pandian, Hukum, Jailer Drill, Jujubee, and Alappara theme. The film, helmed by Nelson Dilipkumar, is all set to hit theatres on August 10.
The film stars Mohan Lal, Jackie Shroff, Sunil, and Shivrajkumar. Ramya Krishnan, Tamanaahh, Yogi Babu, Vasanth Ravi, and Vinayakan. In the film, Rajinikanth plays a jail warden named Muthuvel Pandian.
Backed by Sun Pictures, Anirudh. While Vijay Kartik Kannan has cranked the camera, Nirmal has edited the film.