Mark Antony, the upcoming Tamil film starring Vishal and SJ Suryah in the lead roles, will hit the theatres on Vinayaka Chaturthi on September 15 this year. The makers announced the news through their social media handles on Tuesday.
Directed by Adhik Ravichandran, Mark Antony is bankrolled by S Vinod Kumar, marking his second collaboration with Vishal after Enemy. Besides the leading duo, the film features an ensemble cast, including, Suneel, Selvaraghavan, Ritu, Abhinaya, Kingsley, and Y.G.Mahendran, among others.
Billed as a gangster action drama, the film's teaser, which got released earlier, suggests that the film exudes an element of time travel that allows Vishal and SJ Suryah to play multiple roles from different timelines.
The technical crew of Mark Antony comprises music composer GV Prakash Kumar, cinematographer Abhinandan Ramanujam and editor Vijay Velukutty.
The film will release in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.