Agent Kannayiram, the upcomign Tamil film starring actor Santhanam in the lead role, has been certified U/A with the censor board, the makers announced on social media. The film is set to hit the big screens on November 25.
Directed by Manoj Beedha who is known for helming Vanjagar Ulagam, Agent Kannayiram is the Tamil remake of Telugu film Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya. The original film follows the life of a rookie detective who begins to probe the case of an abandoned dead body near a railway track and the danger the sleuth runs into during the investigation.
Besides Santhanam, the film also stars Riya Suman, Sruthi Hariharan, Pugazh, Munishkanth, and Redin Kingsley among others. Agent Kannayiram is produced by Labyrinth Films, who also backed Manoj Beedha's debut film, Vanjagar UIagam.
The technical crew of the film consists of cinematography by Theni Eashwar and Saravanan Ramasamy, with music composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Ajay is the editor of the film.