The makers of Nayanthara-starrer Connect have announced that the film's teaser will be released on November 18. Directed by Ashwin Saravanan, Connect marks the filmmaker's second outing with Nayanthara after Maya (2015). Similar to their previous collaboration, Connect is also billed as a horror thriller. The film, scripted by director Ashwin and his wife Kaavya Ramkumar, is reportedly set during the pandemic.
Connect sees the comeback of veteran Bollywood actor to Tamil. Last seen in the 2007-film Kuttrapathrikkai, Anupam essays an important role in the upcoming film. Sathyaraj, Vinay Rai and child actor named Haniya Nafisa also star in it.
Connect has music by Boomika-fame Prithvi Chandrasekhar and cinematography by Manikantan Ramachary. It is produced by Vignesh Shivan's Rowdy Pictures. The film's release date is expected to be announced soon.