It was earlier confirmed that actor Prakash Raj is part of Vijay's upcoming film, Thalapathy 66. Now, the actor took to social media to share a throwback picture with Vijay and wrote, "Hai Chellam sssss. We are back."
The upcoming film, directed by Vamshi Paidipally, marks the first collaboration of Prakash Raj and Vijay in 13 years. They last acted together in Villu (2009).
Here's the post:
Over the years, Prakash Raj has done many notable collaborations with Vijay. His villain role in Ghilli (2004), Muthupandi, is immensely popular that some of the character's lines from the movie are still part of the Tamil pop culture. Similarly, his performance as Ali Bhai in Pokkiri (2006) also became a huge hit upon release. Aadhi (2006) and Sivakasi (2005) are other collaborations between the two stars.
Prakashraj is currently one of the busiest actors in the south acting in multiple languages. He was recently seen in films like KGF: Chapter 2, Shekar, and Attack. In Tamil, he was last seen in Vishal's Enemy and Rajinikanth's Annaatthe.