We had earlier reported that the first schedule of Suriya's upcoming film with director Bala was underway in Kanniyakumari. Now, 2D Entertainment, the makers of the much-anticipated film, announced the completion of the Kanniyakumari schedule, and shared updates about the second schedule, which is set to happen in Goa.
The makers wrote, "After the successful completion of the 1st schedule of 34 days in Kanyakumari, #Suriya41 is ready for the next stage! The next schedule of 15 days is all set to start in Goa in June after extensive set work!"
The film, which is currently being called Suriya 41, marks the 19th production of Suriya and Jyotika's 2D Entertainment.
While Krithi Shetty and Mamitha Baiju have been roped in for this project, details about the rest of the cast and the plotline are firmly kept under wraps.
The big-budget film will have cinematography by Balasubramaniam and music by GV Prakash. Maya Pandi and Sathish Surya are taking care of the art direction and editing, respectively.