Bobby Simha's next is an action thriller titled Thadai Udai. The film was officially launched with a pooja ceremony in Chennai today. The event was attended by lyricist Vairamuthu, producer Shibu Thameens, and the cast and crew of the film.
Directed by debutant NS Rakesh, the film has actor Misha Narang playing the female lead. Prabhu, Senthil, Rohini, Sarath Ravi and Deepak Paramesh round out the cast of the film.
Thadai Udai has cinematography by Demel Xavier Edwards, music by B Aathif, lyrics by Vairamuthu, and action-choreography by Ganesh.
The film is produced by B Rajasekar and Reshmi Simha on behalf of Mudhra's Film Factory and Aarudhra Pictures. The shooting of Thadai Udai will begin on May 5.