It was announced earlier that actors Kavin and Aparna Das are collaborating for a family drama directed by debutant Ganesh K Babu, an erstwhile associate of filmmaker Rajesh M Selva. It’s now known that veteran actors K Bhagyaraj and Aishwarya are onboard this untitled film and it will mark their reunion after 30 years. The duo had previously starred in Rasukutty (1992) which was directed by Bhagyaraj. In the upcoming film, the actors will play Kavin’s parents.
The romantic drama, produced by S Ambeth Kumar of Olympia Movies, went on floors earlier this month. The film will feature Mudhal Nee Mudivum Nee-fame Harish and Vaazhl-fame Pradeep Anthony in prominent roles. Ezhil Arasu K will be lensing the yet-to-be-titled film, while Jen Martin and Kathiresh Alagesan will be heading the music and editing departments, respectively.
In addition to this film, Kavin will be appearing in Oor Kuruvi, produced by Vignesh Shivan, while Aparna will be soon seen in the Vijay-starrer, Beast.