We had earlier reported about Oscar-winning sound mixer Craig Mann being part of Radhakrishnan Parthiban's upcoming Tamil film Iravin Nizhal. He has now lauded Parthiban saying that the technical skill that it took to pull this film off was very impressive.
Parthiban has posted a video clip of Craig Mann speaking about Iravin Nizhal on his Twitter handle. He has also written, "I never even imagined while watching Whiplash that one day I would be working with this 'sound' person."
In the video clip, Craig Mann says, "Parthiban's achievement on this film is quite something. The technical skill to pull this off is very impressive."
Iravin Nizhal has garnered a lot of attention as this will be the world's first non-linear single shot film. It also has Oscar winners AR. Rahman scoring music and Cottalango Leon handling its VFX.