The rumour mills are abuzz that Karthik might join hands with Kamal Haasan for Indian 2. The highly anticipated sequel to the 1996 film was greenlit in 2017 and started shooting from 2019. After an unfortunate accident, that took place at the shooting spot, the makers halted its production and following lead actor Kamal Haasan’s brief stint in politics, the future of the film remained under murky waters. Finally, after years, fresh new reports have emerged regarding the film, stating that the makers have confirmed that the shooting has resumed.
Kajal Aggarwal had recently confirmed that she will return to shoot for Indian 2 after her pregnancy. Kamal Haasan, who is hot on the heels of his massive success in Vikram, is also confirmed to return for Indian 2’s shooting.
Shankar, who directed the original, is back for the sequel while Anirudh is replacing A R Rahman as the composer. Apart from Kamal and Kajal in the lead, the film also stars Siddharth, Rakul Preet Singh, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Bobby Simha, and Nedumudi Venu.
Lyca Productions, the producers of the film, are expected to make an official statement to confirm Karthik’s role in the film.