Filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj has announced that the script work is underway for Jigarthanda 2. The announcement was made on Monday as the first instalment completes eight years.
The announcement video that was shared on Twitter featured the making video of the first instalment with intercuts of preparing actual Jigarthanda (cold beverage). The statement in the video read, "It has been 8 years since you tasted Jigarthanda now it is time for.." After a shot showing two glasses of Jigarthanda placed on the table, the makers revealed that the penning for the upcoming feature is underway.
The 2014 action comedy film, written and directed by Karthik Subbaraj, was produced by Kathiresan's Group. It featured Siddharth, Bobby Simha, Lakshmi Menon, Karunakaran and Guru Somasundaram.
The film's technical crew includes cinematographer Gavemic U Ary, editor Vivek Harshan and music composer Santhosh Narayanan. The film won two National Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor for Bobby Simha and Best Editing for Vivek Harshan.
Meanwhile, the makers are yet to announce the further details of the cast and crew for the sequel.