We had previously reported that director Vivek, who will soon be making his debut with the Arun Vijay-starrer Boxer, will next be directing Priyamani in a multilingual gangster film, titled Quotation Gang. It's now known that Sara, who is known for starring as a child artiste in films like Deiva Thirumagal and Sillu Karupatti, will be turning lead actor for Quotation Gang.
"We wanted a teenager who can pull off a wacky, crazy girl who is out for revenge. When we approached Sara, I wasn't sure if she would agree as the roles we have seen her doing all these years are of a little girl who has been an epitome of innocence and purity, and her role in this film is exactly the opposite of that. But when she heard the script, she loved it and wanted to be a part of the film," says Vivek. "Her character is a ruthless killer out on the run and we believe that Sara has the potential to pull off the role. She will undergo workshops to get into the skin of the character."
Quotation Gang will on floors in December and will be shot predominantly in Mumbai. The makers are planning to wrap up the shoot by January in two schedules. Also starring Red Rain-fame Vishno Warrier, the rest of the cast is expected to be announced soon.