Rishab Shetty’s upcoming directorial, Rudraprayag, which stars Anant Nag in the lead role, will also have Shine Shetty playing an important character. A well-known face in the television circuit, Shine is known for his serial Lakshmi Baramma. The Bigg Boss Season 7 winner is the latest to come on board in the director’s upcoming venture produced by Jayanna Films.
According to a source, Rishab, who had different names on his mind for the role, found Shine Shetty to be a perfect fit for the particular character. However, an official announcement in this regard will be made closer to when the team starts shooting.
Meanwhile, Shine Shetty has also been approached for a web series to be directed by Rahu Sukirana, which is yet to go on floors.
Rudraprayag will be the director’s fourth venture, and the next one after Sarkari Hi. Pra. Shaale. He will be working with Anant Nag for the second time. The shooting of the film, which has a lot of VFX, was initially planned to start in March first week. However, the lockdown due to COVID-19 has pushed the schedule back. According to the initial plan, 80 per cent of the shooting for Rudraprayag was to take place in Belagavi while the rest of the portions are planned at Rudraprayag in Uttarakhand.
The story for Rudraprayag has been written by Rishab, while Sripad Joshi and Trilok Trivikrama have written the dialogues. The makers have also signed music director Ajanessh Lokanath and cinematographer Aravind Kashyap for the project.
Rishab Shetty has simultaneously taken up an acting assignment. The director-actor will be playing the lead in Giri Krishna’s Harikathe alla Girikathe.