Aditi Prabhudeva, who was last seen in the Sathish Ninasam-starrer Bhramachari, has taken up her next project, titled Champion. The film, directed by Shahuraj Shinde, has her paired opposite Sachin Danpal, and both play engineering students. Though the title suggests a sports theme, the film will also have elements of love and comedy.
Champion is set to be made as a Kannada-Marathi bilingual. While Sachin stars as the hero in the Marathi version too, the makers plan to sign up another heroine for this version.
Meanwhile, Aditi has completed shooting for her portions for the Kannada version of Champion. The film also stars Devaraj, Avinash, Rangayana Raghu, and Chikkanna in pivotal roles.
Apart from Champion, Aditi also has Vijayaprasad’s Totapuri in the pipeline. She shares screen space with Jaggesh in this film, which also includes Dhananjay and Suman Ranganath in the cast.