Mahesh Babu's 26th film, which marks his first collaboration with director Anil Ravipudi, has been titled Sarileru Neekevvaru. The Maharshi actor released the film's poster with the title logo on the occasion of his father and veteran actor Krishna's 77th birthday earlier today.
The makers have also officially launched the film with a formal ceremony in the presence of veteran director K Raghavendra Rao and producer Shyamprasad Reddy.
Speaking at the launch, Anil Ravipudi said, "For the first time, Mahesh plays an Army major in a film. Vijayashanti garu is staging a comeback to films after 13 years. Sarileru Neekevvaru will have all the ingredients one will expect from our combination."
Rashmika Mandanna is paired opposite Mahesh in this film that also features Bandla Ganesh, Jagapathi Babu and Rajendra Prasad in prominent roles. Devi Sri Prasad, who recently worked in Mahesh's Maharshi, is also on board.
The principal shooting will commence in June and the makers are planning to release Sarileru Neekevvaru for Sankranthi 2020.