The third season of Bigg Boss Tamil, hosted yet again by Kamal Haasan, has reached the end of its tenth week. After Madhumitha was evicted from the house last week for inflicting self-injury, Abhirami was voted out by the audience on Sunday night.
With Cheran, Sandy, Tharshan, and Kasthuri nominated for eviction this week, Tharshan and Sandy have been getting the majority of the people's support and have secured maximum votes. Cheran and Kasthuri have had issues for quite some time now, which, understandably, have kept them lagging behind.
However, our closes suggest that none of the contestants will be getting evicted on Sunday's episode.
Kasthuri, who is currently in the last position with the least number of votes, is expected to be sent to the secret room. If that happens, she will be the first occupant of the secret room, this season. Vaishnavi Prasad, journalist, and granddaughter of Tamil writer Saavi, was allowed to stay in the secret room after a staged elimination, last year, in the show's second season.
The third season started airing on June 23. Apart from Madhumitha and Abhirami, Fathima Babu, Mohan Vaidya, Vanitha Vijayakumar, Meera Mithun, Reshma Pasupuleti, and Sakshi Agarwal have been eliminated from the house, so far.