Actor Priyanshu Chatterjee, last seen in Badshaaho and Billu Ustaad, is making his comeback with Little Baby. The coming-of-age drama follows a police officer (Priyanshu) and his troubled relationship with his teenage daughter (debutante Gulnaz Siganporia). The film is directed by Shekhar S Jha, who has previously helmed Wedding Anniversary (2017) and Prem Mayee (2012).
“Little Baby is about the communication gap that exists between generations,” Shekhar said. “Indian parents rarely speak openly with their children. Their priorities often do not match. It results in persistent problems. Our film is about a father who realizes that his daughter is headed in a wrong direction. Instead of letting the relationship disintegrate, he reaches out with love and tries to understand his daughter. I’ve worked with Priyanshu before and he was my first choice for the film.”
Little Baby was shot entirely in Dehradun. Produced by Rinku Singh, the film is slated to release on September 20.