Kurukshetra, which released on August 9, has been running to packed houses in over 400 theatres across Karnataka. Darshan’s happiness grew multifold when senior actors like Saroja Devi, Jayanthi, and Umashree watched the mythology drama in 3D at a special screening organised on Sunday.
“For me, they are the best critics because they have lived these characters, and have been part of such epic films. I didn’t have words to express when a senior actor like Jayanthi came to watch the film on a wheelchair,” says Darshan.
Thanking producer Munirathna and the audience for making this film a success, Darshan says, “Only Munirathna had the guts to make such a film. While we all like to go with the flow, here is a producer who believed in going against the tide, and it worked.”
Kurukshetra marks the second time Darshan did a film in this genre. “I did Sangoli Rayanna at a time when every film was made to be commercial. Now, in a scenario where we have different kind of genres, I have Kurukshetra,” Darshan says.
The actor is also thankful to the audience for going to theatres and watching Kurukshetra, in spite of the flood in North Karnataka. “The response we are getting for Kurukshetra, especially from people in North Karnataka, where they are watching the film despite the problems, only goes on to prove that come sunshine or rain, give the audience a good film, and everyone will turn up.”
Saroja Devi applauds Kurukshetra cast and crew
"Every decade had its way of filmmaking, and when I watched Kurukshetra, I felt that they have done a good job,” says Saroja Devi, adding, “I liked the making, and performances of all the actors who were a part of the epic drama. I loved the way Darshan carried himself as Duryodhana and I also enjoyed watching Ravichandran as Krishna.”
Munirathna to request CM to make Kurukshetra 100 per cent tax-free
Munirathna will be requesting the chief minister to make Kurukshetra 100 per cent tax-free. “I want every student of Karnataka to watch the Mahabharata epic, and I will soon put up a request to the CM to make this film tax free."