Tanya Hope, who made her Tamil debut with Arun Vijay’s Thadam, will be part of his upcoming film as well. According to reports, the untitled film will be produced by Arun Vijay’s father, actor Vijayakumar, under his banner Moving Slides. The project is expected to be helmed by a debutant director. However, an official confirmation is awaited.
Tanya is currently shooting for the Tamil remake of Vicky Donor, which also stars Harish Kalyan. Arun Vijay, on the other hand, is currently working on Boxer, directed by Vivek and co-starring Ritika Singh, as well as Karthick Naren’s Mafia, which also stars Priya Bhavani Shankar and Prasanna. The actor is gearing up for the release of Prabhas’ Saaho and Moodar Koodam-fame Naveen’s Agni Siragugal.