Singer Tulsi Kumar, who recently sang Main Tera Ban Jaunga from Kabir Singh and Sheher Ki Ladki from the upcoming Khandaani Shafakhana, has also sung Enni Soni from Prabhas-Shraddha Kapoor’s Saaho. “It’s a special track with Guru Randhawa. The song is done in five languages — Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. It’s in the future pop genre and will be a visual treat for audiences,” Tulsi says.
Meanwhile, Main Tera Ban Jaunga and Sheher Ki Ladki have become huge hits. While the former is a romantic rendition, the latter is a reboot of a classic 90s track. Together, the songs have crossed over 100 million views on Youtube and are trending on streaming sites.
“Kabir Singh was an intense love story along with some great music. Being a part of a soulful number like Main Tera Ban Jaunga, which has touched so many hearts, is amazing,” Tusli says. “As for Sheher Ki Ladki, it’s an iconic song that has been recreated in a fun and quirky way. It’s a duet with Badshaah. I also had the opportunity to sing for Ranveena Tandon. I met her on set and we did the hook step of the song together,” she laughs.
Additionally, Tulsi has voiced O Saki Saki from Batla House and Dil Jaaniye from Khandaani Shafakhana.