We had earlier reported that Mohanlal is all set to team up with filmmaker Jeethu Joseph for an upcoming film from Aashirvad Cinemas. On Thursday, the makers revealed that the film's title will be announced on August 12, 5 PM. Credited as the 33rd production from Aashirvad Cinemas, the makers have also revealed that the upcoming film's shooting will commence soon.
Though Jeethu and Mohanlal had earlier confirmed the possibility of a third part in the Drishyam franchise, it is not yet known if this upcoming project is indeed Drishyam 3 or a stand-alone one. The announcement has come at a time when several speculations about Mohanlal's next Malayalam film have been doing the rounds.
Mohanlal, who recently appeared in a cameo role in Rajinikanth's Jailer, has Lijo Jose Pellissery's Malaikottai Valiban lined up for a release. The actor will soon begin shooting for a multilingual film, Vrushabha, a big-scale entertainer directed by Kannada filmmaker Nanda Kishore. Ekta Kapoor of Balaji Telefilms is backing the film in association with Connekkt Media and AVS Studios.
Meanwhile, there is still no word on the release of Ram, which has been in production for nearly four years now. The film, which went on floors in 2019, was stalled halfway in the wake of Covid-19. After a long break, the makers resumed shoot in August, 2022 and shot across countries like London and Morocco. However, it's not yet known if the entire filming process has been completed.