Asif Ali's new film Kasargold was launched on Monday in Payyanur. The film is directed by Mridul Nair, who made his debut with B Tech, also starring Asif. Yoodlee Films is producing the upcoming film in association with Mukhari Entertainment LLP.
Kasargold, according to the makers, will be a high-octane thriller woven around gold smuggling. It is centered around a bunch of friends and how greed changes the dynamics of their friendship. The film stars Shine Tom Chacko, Sunny Wayne, and Deepak Parambol in prominent roles.
Asif Ali says, "Kasargold is completely unlike anything I have done before. This one is a high-octane thriller woven around gold smuggling and many unseen variables that put the characters in situations they could not have expected. It is a human drama, a situational cliffhanger with many twists and I am very eager to see how it turns out."
Mridul Nair says, "Asif is an actor, who, with great economy, conveys a lot but can also bring in big screen histrionics when you need them. This film has space for both and I am glad that I am working with him again. I'm also happy that Yoodlee is backing a story that will push the action genre into new territory. Such supportive collaborations make the job of a director very easy."
Producer Suraj Kumar adds, "This is the first time I am producing any film and it fills me with joy that it is with such a stellar cast. I hope for a great association with Yoodlee Films & Saregama and I'm sure that Kasargold will be a great success."