Vinay Rajkumar’s film Gramayana, which marks the directorial debut of Devanur Chandru, was announced in 2018. In fact, the project was underway in Devarnuru, and the makers had shot for 25 days but, unfortunately, it was halted midway due to unforeseen circumstances. However, now the film is getting a significant boost with G Manohar of Lahari Films and KP Sreekanth of Venus Entertainers, bankrolling the project. An official confirmation has been made by the producers, and the project is set to be relaunched on June 8.
The director had envisioned a village-based storyline for Vinay Rajkumar, which will star him as a rural youth, named Sixth Sense Seena. Initially, the makers had considered Amurtha Iyengar for the female lead, and Aparna, a senior actor, and popular for her reality show, Maja Talkies, was announced as making her comeback to the silver screen after 30 years. Music director Poornachandra Tejaswi and cinematographer Abhishek Kasargod were also onboard the project. However, with the involvement of new production houses, some changes are expected, including in the cast and crew.
As of now, the makers have confirmed Vinay’s presence in the project, but it remains to be seen if the other cast and technical crew will be retained. Details regarding this will be shared by the production team on the launch date.
Apart from Gramayana, Vinay is also working on Pepe, directed by Sreelesh Nair, and Andondittu Kaala, helmed by Keerthi, both of which are at different stages of production.