Shivarajkumar, who is celebrating his 36th year in the film industry, finds himself in an exhilarating phase, basking in the remarkable attention and acclaim following the release of his Tamil debut, Jailer. The love has transcended languages and regions. Even as Shivanna is being flooded with diverse offers from the Southern film domain, the latest buzz reveals that a Hindi cinema debut might just be around the corner.
A leaked photo has surfaced, offering us a tantalising peek into Shivarajkumar’s exciting prospects. The photo features Sudipto Sen, the director of The Kerala Story, NS Rajkumar along with Shivarajkumar at the latter’s residence. A reliable source revealed that it was for a round of discussion between the celebrated actor and the director for an intriguing Hindi project. With Shivanna showing genuine interest in the project, and figuring out his dates and other commercial aspects, the actor’s Bollywood debut might soon become a reality.
Apart from the upcoming Tamil film, Captain Miller, Shivarajkumar’s slate is filled with interesting projects, including Srini’s next directorial, Ghost, which is set to hit the screens on October 19. Additionally, he has Karataka Dhamanaka, 45, and Bhairathi Ranagal at different stages of production. The actor is all likely to mark his debut in Malayalam and has been in discussion with actor-director Prithviraj Sukumaran.