Model-turned-actor Priyanka Kumar, the new talent in Sandalwood town, will star in director AP Arjun’s upcoming directorial, Addhuri Lover. She is paired opposite Virat in the romantic actioner. For Priyanka, who is making her debut with Suri’s Bad Manners, this will be her second outing.
The makers of Addhuri Lover are yet to confirm the news about Priyanka Kumar joining the film. However, the newbie has already joined the sets of the film. She will be now juggling between Bad Manners and Addhuri Lover.
The film will be shot in the locations of Bengaluru, Mysuru, Chikmagalur, Kodaikanal, Goa, and Darjeeling.
Addhuri Lover will be a bilingual film made in Kannada and Telugu. The film is made under the director’s production, AP Arjun Films, who bankrolled his debut venture KISS. Addhuri Lover will have Sanketh handling the cinematography.
Meanwhile, director Arjun is simultaneously shooting for his next big film, Martin, starring Dhruv Sarja.