In July, director Yogaraj Bhat announced on social media that he will be teaming up with producer BC Patil for a film. The post read, “Agriculture Minister of State, BC Patil, Suri, Harikrishna, Vikas, Sudhir, and I will come together for a project. More details of the project will be revealed soon.” Now, CE has learnt that the makers are set to officially launch the movie on November 14, and it will star Yashas Surya in the lead role.
Shishira and Raama Dhanya actor, who has also shared screen space with Darshan in films like Chingari, Kurukshetra, and Odeya, will be teaming up with Yogaraj Bhat for the first time for this film.
This film also marks the director’s first collaboration with BC Patil. A former cop and a politician, Patil is also a known actor, director, and producer in Kannada cinema. After a hiatus, the yet-untitled film marks his comeback in Sandalwood.
Yogaraj Bhat, who has completed shooting for Gaalipata 2, which is now in the post-production process, will simultaneously begin this yet-untitled film.