For someone who is an industry outsider with no connections but dreams of facing the arc lights, Priyanka Kumar, a model turned actor, considers being launched by director Suri an incredible opportunity to enter Tinsel Town. "My passion for acting sprang up from watching plays in Thirthahalli, where my father would take me and my brother. Despite lacking permission to watch TV, I'd sneak glimpses, further fueling my love for the stage. When I revealed my dream at home, they agreed to support it, provided I completed my education," says the actor as she eagerly awaits watching herself on the silver screen this week.
Eagerly anticipating her debut in Bad Manners directed by Suri alongside Abhishek Ambareesh, and featuring Rachita Ram, Priyanka expresses, "Being launched by a veteran like Suri feels surreal. Films like Duniya, which I watched during my upbringing, felt incredibly realistic . Being part of his work now is beyond imagination," she says. Recalling her audition, she remarks, "Suri is a man of few words, but his work speaks volumes. I've strived to align with his emphasis on natural acting.'
Though Bad Manners is an actioner with limited space for female leads, Priyanka shares that the female lead tag isn't defined by screen time. "It's the story that matters. Being considered by Suri was monumental. I wanted to gain experience under his direction. Like Vidya Balan, Trisha, and others who began with small roles, I'm open to following their path."
Hinting at her role without revealing much, Priyanka asserts, "In Bad Manners, I portray a businessman's daughter, and a pivotal point to the storyline." Recollecting her initial shoot nervousness, she recalls receiving approval two weeks after the audition. "On set, when briefed about my character and dialogues, I felt anxious. Suri advised me to stay calm. Despite being new to cinema, my brief stint in serials helped, though I faced difficulty during dubbing due to language flow. Suri suggested reading Kannada books, which somewhat eased my confidence," she says.
The actor, who is a part of Addhuri Lover, directed by AP Arjun alongside Virat, is also collaborating with actor Rishi in Rudra Garuda Purana. At present, Priyanka views Bad Manners as a pivotal moment. "For every project I've pursued, they want to see my presence and acting first. I hope Bad Manners propels my career", she adds optimistically.