Rakshit Shetty is currently shooting for director Hemanth M Rao’s Sapta Sagaradaache Yello. The romantic drama stars Rukmini Vasant and Chaitra J Achar as the female leads. Sharing about the project’s current status, Rakshit says, “We are halfway through the shoot of the film’s second half. The climax portions are currently being shot. After that, we have another 15 days of shooting left, which we plan to complete in a month or two.”
Rakshit has put on a few kilos for the film as his character demanded it. Despite the challenges that come with the physical transformation, the actor feels that it’s the character’s internal conflicts that are having a bigger toll on him. “The protagonist Manu endures a lot of pain and I feel I’m subconsciously carrying a lot of that with me. I can see that it’s affecting me.”
Rakshit is currently on a spiritual journey and he believes it’s helping him - both as a writer and an actor. “While it certainly helps my acting, it also rejuvenates me as a writer. It pulls me into a world of fantasy.”
After wrapping up Sapta Sagaradaache..., Rakshit is planning to start shooting for Richard Anthony, the spin-off of his much-acclaimed directorial debut, Ulidavaru Kandanthe. Vijay Kiragandur’s Hombale Films is backing the project. Rakshit sounds confident as he reveals more about the film and its writing process, “The film is quite deep but not as complicated as the writing process. I’m already in love with the script, but I’m still fine-tuning it with multiple drafts. I think I might fall in love with Richie once I start playing the role,” signs off Rakshit.