Ahead of Abhishek Bachchan's birthday, producer Anand Pandit has expressed the desire to work with the star again as he announced that the sequel to the 2021 film The Big Bull is in the works.
Anand said, "I was being asked continuously whether I would make a sequel... Yes, I am happy to share that an exciting sequel to The Big Bull is in the works and this film certainly will offer a worthy progression to the premise of a financial genius who once again goes too far."
This announcement is significant in view of Abhishek Bachchan's birthday on February 5.
"Yes, I want to create a film that does justice to the immensity of his talent. He is a very gifted actor and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with him,” he added.
"The sequel hopefully will give us another opportunity to make magic together."
The producer is in the process of buying the rights of a book and says, "I can't divulge much about what the sequel will be based on but the premise is going to be very interesting."
The Big Bull was released on Disney Plus Hotstar in 2021.