Good Burger, the renowned comedy film released in 1997, is gearing up for a sequel. The sequel has been greenlit at Paramount+ and Nickelodeon studios, with Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell to reprise their roles from the original film.
Directed by Brian Robbins, the Good Burger (1997) tells the story of Dexter Reed (Kenan Thompson) and Ed ( Kel Mitchell), two employees-cum-friends, at Good Burger whose endeavours to keep their fast food joint going against a new burger shop nearby called Mondo Burger.
Directed by Phil Traill, Good Burger 2 will follow the duo as they reunite in the present day at the fast-food restaurant Good Burger with a new group of employees. The sequel will have Kevin Kopelow and Heath Seifert serving as writers and executive producers.
The production of Good Burger 2 will begin in May, with a premiere slated for later this year.