The trailer for Damien Chazelle’s period drama film Babylon releases online. The uncensored trailer vividly captured the wild, jazzy, side of golden age Hollywood. Billed as a comedy-drama, the film is set in an era where films were transitioning from silent films to talkies. The trailer was first shown at the 47th Toronto International Film Festival before being released online.
The ensemble cast of the film includes heavy hitters like Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie, along with Tobey Maguire, Diego Calva, Jovan Adepo, Li Jun Li, and Jean Smart in supporting roles.
Written and directed by Whiplash fame Damien Chazelle, Babylon is scheduled for a theatrical release on 25 December. Chazelle finished the script in 2019 and the filming was supposed to take place in 2020. Due to COVID concerns, the principal photography was postponed several times, the production eventually wrapped up in October 2021. Chazelle described the filming experience as, “the hardest shoot I have ever had.”