Production begins on the twelfth season of the comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm which stars Larry David in the lead. JB Smoove, who plays Larry David’s house guest in the series confirmed the news through a social media post today. The caption for the Instagram post says, “Curb is back!!! I’m currently on set acting a fool with the incredible cast of #CurbYourEnthusiasm as we film season 12.”
In the Instagram video, JB Smoove is seen inside the set for the show and behind him are fellow cast members Jeff Garlin, and Susie Essman, along with creator and leading star Larry David. No official premiere date has been confirmed for season 12. The series aired its first episode on HBO in 2000 and went on to become a critical as well as a commercial success.
The series is known to take long breaks between seasons, production begins whenever Larry David is ready with the idea for the new season. Larry David is best known as the co-creator of the acclaimed comedy series Seinfeld, which stars Jerry Seinfeld in the lead along with Julia Louis Dreyfus, George Alexander, and Michael Richards. Curb Your Enthusiasm revolves around the life of a fictionalised version of Larry David and his everyday struggle to adapt to society.